UpDown Desks Australia Blog

Stand Up For Your Health: How to Lose 4kg of Body Fat

Stand Up For Your Health: How to Lose 4kg of Body Fat
Lose 4kg by using a height adjustable desk! 
Welcome to day 1 of the Stand Up For Your Health campaign. As it is January 1st, I thought I'd discuss the number one New Years resolution of them all - weightloss!

Did you know that if instead of sitting all day at work, you stood for 3 hours a day, 5 days per week, you could burn an additional 30,000 calories over the working year. This is equivalent to running about 10 marathons. In terms that we can all understand - it is the equivalent of losing about 3.6kg body fat! 

This was the conclusion by a team of researchers out of the University of Chester in the UK. 

By all means, try to improve your health and wellbeing in as many facets as possible - diet, fitness, mental health and whatever else is needed for you to take control of your health. However, when deciding what steps you will take to improve your health in 2017, don't disregard what you are doing, or what you are not doing, when you're working away in the office.

By replacing your old desk with a height adjustable desk / standing desk, and of course then commiting to standing periodically throughout the day, you will provide yourself with a way to burn fat and improve your health whilst you're at work. Considering how hard it can be to find time to exercise outside of work, commuting and family commitments, this is a god-send! Check out our PRO Series height adjustable electric standing desks.

FYI - there is no need to stand for 3 hours without a break. In fact, I'd strongly recommend against this. Instead, switch between sitting and standing periodically throughout the day. If you would like some guidance, visit this page - how long should I stand?

If you have any questions, please email them through to contact@updowndesk.com.au. 
Australia, Stand Up for Your Health!
Standing Strong: Studies Confirm Standing Desks Increase Productivity